我是陪老公在美國生活的太太,拿的是J2 VISA。
開戶時還在等待EAD Card申請結果,所以也還沒工作及SSN。從台灣帶了些旅支過來,剛來幾天已經把部分旅支存到老公的戶頭,剩下的想要存到自己帳戶,順便辦張Debit card。
美國銀行帳戶分為Saving account、Checking account和Certificate of deposit (CDs)。
簡單來說,放在Saving account的錢會產生利息但不可動用;放在Checking account的錢沒有利息但可動用。在未透支的狀態下,Checking account是你的提款卡可以提領、Debit card可以消費或是可以開支票的額度。如果Checking account額度為$0,必須在網路銀行上先將Saving account的錢轉到Checking account,才有錢可提領,但要注意一個月有6次的轉款次數 (Saving轉Checking) 限制 。
Money Market Account (MMA) 算是Saving account的一種,但是利率較Saving account好。
Certificate of deposit (CDs) 則是定存的概念,利率比Saving account和Money Market Account (MMA) 都好。
老公在網路上看到Fifth Third Bank有開戶 bonus $200 (註1),幫我打電話過去確認是不是還需要Direct Deposit (註2),或是只要在帳戶存一定金額的錢就好了。很幸運的是後者,便幫我預約開戶,掛掉電話就直接衝去銀行了。
(後來發現上面的連結可以線上開戶...= = )
到了銀行,我們拿出網路上申請的coupon並說明想開 Fifth Third Essential Checking® (註3),專員就跟我要了護照跟一些基本資料直接輸入到電腦,印出紙本讓我確認無誤後簽名,開戶手續就完成了。記得後續要儘快存錢進戶頭才能早點拿 bonus!
以我這次的開戶 bonus,須至少存$500到帳戶,要免除帳戶管理費帳戶平均餘額要高於$1,500,所以我打算先存個$2,000,這樣想衝動購物的時候還有$500 quota可以刷不被老公發現,哈哈
1. 護照
2. 台灣地址英譯
3. 美國地址 (Debit card事後才寄到此地址)
4. 美國手機號碼 (我的手機號碼尚未申辦,當時先填老公的,等到申請完成自行上網銀修改即可)
5. e-mail (最好是留自己的,所有線上變更都會通知)
6. 要存入的錢 (現金或旅支都可以)
1. 外國人免稅證明 (IRS Form W-8Ben)
(老公今年陸續接到兩家銀行寄來的Form W-8Ben,要求寄回文件的期限分別是10/31和12/31,而且信封內都有附回郵信封)
2. Overdraft Coverage for Debit Cards and ATM Transactions
這可以選擇要不要有此功能,不加入的話就是放棄可以透支,只要Checking account沒錢就不能刷卡或提領錢。加入的話帳戶沒錢還可以刷卡或提領錢,但相對會被銀行charge一筆費用。
9/23(六) 去銀行開戶
9/25(一) 去銀行存錢 (因為開戶時銀行準備要關門了,所以次個工作天再去存)
11/24(五) 收到開戶bonus $200
新戶 (過去12個月沒有53銀行帳戶) 開立Fifth Third Essential Checking帳戶,只要在開戶後45內存入帳戶$500且60天內平均餘額不低於$500,期滿後可獲得bonus $200。
這次的bonus可以用到2017/9/30,大家在開戶前可以上網先做功課,搜尋一下哪家銀行的 bonus 比較高而且符合條件喔!
Bonus/Account Information: Offer not available to existing checking or Express Banking customers or to those with a Fifth Third Checking or Express Banking account that has been closed within the last 12 months. Bank reserves the right to limit each customer to one new account-related gift incentive per calendar year. Essential Checking account must be opened between 7/24/2017 and 9/30/2017. To obtain the $200 bonus, direct deposit(s) totaling $500 or more must be received within 45 days of account opening AND maintain a $500 average balance fro 60 days. Bonus will be deposited into your new checking account within 10 business days of completing requirements. Basic Checking, Express Banking and Business Checking accounts are excluded from this offer. Checking accounts may have monthly fees. Bonus may be taxable as interest income and reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. Consult your tax adviser. See your banker for details. Not valid with any other offer.
1. Mobile Banking: Mobile Internet data and text message charges may apply. Please contact your mobile service provider for details.
2. Mobile Deposits: Deposits made by 8 PM ET will post the same business day. Basic Checking and Access 360° accounts not eligible for Mobile deposit.
Direct Deposit 主要是每個月固定會有一筆錢存到你戶頭 (ex: 薪水),大型銀行 (ex: Chase, Citi..etc) 的開戶bonus同時要符合此條件及存一筆定額的錢。所以我們一開始就鎖定美國當地的小型銀行,只要暫時讓我可以存錢,沒有帳戶管理費,需要消費時可以刷卡就好,大型銀行就等之後有找到工作再去開戶。
Fifth Third Essential Checking是53銀行開戶門檻最低的一種,且符合以下任一條件不會額外收取帳戶管理費,我符合條件的是第1項,學生開戶也不用(第6項)。
No monthly service charge if you:
- Maintain a combined monthly average balance of $1,500 across your deposit and investment accounts, OR
- Spend at least $500 per month on a Fifth Third credit card, OR
- Have any existing Fifth Third personal mortgage, auto loan or line of credit with an outstanding balance, OR
- Are a current or former U.S. military member with monthly direct deposits totaling $500 or more, OR
- Participate in your employer's Fifth Third banking benefits program with monthly direct deposits totaling $500 or more, OR
- Are a student with a valid student ID, OR
- Have a Business Premium or Business Elite Checking account and have completed a relationship consent form.
Otherwise, there is an $11 monthly service charge. This charge is reduced to $8 per month with a monthly direct deposit totaling $500 or more.
Key Benefits:
- Unlimited Check Writing
- Secondary Checking Account
- Relationship Interest Rate on Relationship Savings